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Mazal Tov to "YankelD" on reaching 90 Days

Wednesday, 08 February 2012

Here's Yankel's first post on the forum:

Hi, I'm new here. I'm happy I found this place. I've been struggling in shmiras ainayim since before I was frum, and 15 years later, although I'm married and have a beautiful baby boy, I'm still struggling.

I have not yet read the Attitude handbook / GYE Handbook - their long and I need to find the time to read them when no one is around.

The chizuk email's are great. I'm not "clean" yet currently for 3 days, but B'ezras Hashem I hope to be soon.

We installed a internet filter recently on my laptop, as I've been falling for inappropriate sites too much - my wife doesn't know that. I told her I just wanted to block out other shtus - hulu, youtube, CNN, et al. She doesn't know that even though she found something on my computer a little over a year ago - and gave me major mussar - that I've been falling since.


Yankel posted in Elul:

"Barasi Torah Tavlin" - take advantage gentlemen. It's the only foolproof system. Torah is always the key. Shteig! Shteig! Shteig!

Learn up a storm on a Tosfos! Demand truth of the world and of yourself! Grow and learn and strive to live up to the emes of the Torah, for that is the only way. See past the sheker and live for the challenge. We are going to daven now for the "sefer ha'chaim - the book of life" - a life full of meaning, away from the challenges of the past and living up to the ones in the present.

What does Hashem demand of us? T'mimus - be simple. Walk the other way from the Y"H menuval, and live with simplicity and kedusha.

Running to night seder.... :-)


Finally, Yankel posted:

I passed the 90 day mark a little while ago. I've actually lost track since...

A tremendous thanks to all of you out there giving support and chizuk, and to Reb Guard for the Chizuk e-mails each day. This makes a big difference.

Signing with tears of joy!