I wanted to drop a thank you note for the wonderful thing you are doing. I am going through a very difficult time in my life right now, and the worst part is that the battle of shmiras einayim came back with such vengeance that I thought it was unstoppable! That is, until I saw a little ad in the Hamodia that said, "try us - you have nothing to lose". I did!
The main chizuk I get from you is the chizuk e-mail - but it's every single day. There are times when I'm up and feeling I might make it through alive, and sometimes I realize that the yetzer hora is a very formidable foe. But there's always that reminder that there are others out there who have been (and are) in much worse places and still have the time to send out chizuk to us mortals.
I can't thank you enough for what you have started. (And for the handbook that you guys mailed me).
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