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No Matter How Many Times You Fall, Try Again

"Levite" shares his story in more detail. (To see the full story, see his thread here).

Thursday, 09 February 2012
Part 2/2 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Levite posted later on his thread:

Thanks for putting my story in the chizuk e-mail... BTW, those e-mails make my day, everyday! Today is day 10. You know it's interesting, I've stopped many times before and been clean for long stretches, but this time it's so different, especially since yesterday's e-mail where you discussed the question about "Lust in marriage". It really hit the nail on the head! I printed it out to read in depth, and it's given me a new perspective on life. I haven't got the words to express it yet, but I hope that I will in time. At the moment, I just feel elated!

A Few days ago, Levite posted something that we can all learn from:

I had a hard night last night so I said the teffilah of 'hareini moiser atzmi - I hereby give myself entirely over to you, G-d'. It's an idea that Reb Nachman suggests (see below). It's basically the same idea as they discuss in the 12 steps. I'm feeling better this morning! Hey, Rome wasn't built in one day... but I've got a feeling that Yerushalayim will be!

Sichos Hara"n: 2 (a translation):

"It is a very good idea for a person to throw himself into G-d's hands and to rely on Him. As soon as the day starts, I give over all the happenings of myself - and the people that are relying on me, to G-d, to do as His will sees fit.

And this is very good, for then one does not have to worry or question if he did right or not, for he is relying not on his judgement, but on G-d's impeccable judgement, and if G-d would want him to do different than what he is doing, he is ready to change according to the will of Hashem. And the same before Shabbos or Yom Tov, I give over all the happenings and all my doings of that Shabbos or Yom Tov to Hashem so that it should all be according to His will. And then, regardless of how he was on that Shabbos or Yom Tov, after he surrendered it all and relied on Hashem, he need not need worry at all about whether he succeeded entirely correctly in his upkeeping of these holy days"...

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