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Counting Each Day

Friday, 14 December 2018
Counting Each Day

"Kamoh yemei sh'nei chayecho?" - Paroh asked Yaakov Avinu: "how many are the days of the years of your life?" Rav Shimshon Rephoel Hirsch says that Pharaoh understood the importance of each individual day. He was, therefore, asking Yaakov, "How have you utilized each day? How many days really counted?" To which Yaakov, in his anivus, answered: "few and nothing compared to my forefathers."

We can apply that here. Each day counts, that means if I messed up yesterday - so what?! Today is a new day! Conversely, if yesterday was great, that doesn't mean today is gonna be good as well. Each day has its own unique potential and that's the way we should live life as well as recovery - ONE DAY AT A TIME!