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Do you Want to be Free?

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Today's the 10th of Nissan.

Today, lets take our avoda zara, the porn, and tie it to the bedpost (perhaps the bed-post is a symbol of our sexual desires).

Let's reveal it what it really is. Just like our ancestors revealed that their "god" is only a stinkin' sheep, our "god" is only temporary pleasure of the flesh.

All HaShem wanted from the Jews before freeing them was a sign that they wanted to be free.

What did they have to do? Take the sheep, their "god", tie it up and see it tied up for 4 days. Then kill it. Take it's blood and smear it on the doorposts. Eat it with some matza and marror. Do brit mila.

For us...

Take the porn, tie it up with good filters.

Kill it. Delete all movies and files you have on your computer, phone, CDs, magazines whatever.

Sheep tied to the bedpost.

Brit Mila.

See a pattern here?

Their struggle is our struggle.

The Jews did not want to leave. They thought it was so good to be enslaved.According to the Midrash, 80 percent of the Jews died in Egypt because they did not want to leave.

Most of the world loves porn, including Jews too.

Do we want to leave the world of porn? Or do we want to remain enslaved forever?

If the latter, we'll die too, a spiritual death.

If the former, make a couple of small actions like our forefathers did, and HaShem will redeem us.

Actions like:

- Saying "no" to the Y"H.

- Deleting improper photos.

- Turning away from that good looking woman walking down the street.

Hashem is just waiting to take us out, but first we have to show that we WANT to leave!