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Double Life

Does this website/forum breed even more confusion by just giving you another double life?

Monday, 30 January 2012

"RATM" responds:

It seems to me that our addiction is what caused us to maintain a second life, not GYE... GYE is there to address our addiction so, yes, GYE is part of that second life, but the way I see it, you can either have this whole other second life that does not have GYE a part of it, or one that does... I'd rather one that does... Eventually, as some of the masters here will tell you, treatment of the addiction will close that second life for you so you just have one life...

If you do not address your addiction and just pretend that it was never there, it won't go away by itself... That I know because I tried the "ignore-it" method and it led me to bad, bad places....


Uri Responds:

I am not one of the pros here, but I can respond from personal experience:

When I found GYE, it opened a new parsha in my life. It began a period of sincerity, trust, sharing and honesty with myself and others. Outside of GYE, I was still pretty much the same. But the longer I was on GYE and the more I opened up, this sincerity transferred to my "real life" too.

All the best