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The Battle of the Generation

Monday, 19 October 2020
Part 130/141 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

The Ramchal teaches us (Derech Hashem 4:5:1) that Hashem only created tefillah to enable Himself to shower us with good. Hashem desperately wants to give us good in this world, but of course it is better for us that we earn it in some way. The way we “earn” Hashem’s gifts is through prayer. Hashem longs for us to call out to Him so He will be able to give to us, as He wants so badly.

Realizing that Hashem values us so much and approves of us makes a dramatic difference in our lives. It makes us feel that we matter, which is one of the keys to serving Hashem better. This is what we gain from understanding Hashem’s relationship with us and connecting with Him.

We must constantly strengthen our understanding of Hashem’s love for us. You might find it helpful to review Chapters 5 and 7. Consider reading GPS: Navigation for Your Soul by Yaakov Shain and Avi Fishoff, especially Parts 1-3. I also recommend that you listen to some Shmuzin from Rabbi Shafier on this topic, such as Shmuz 8: “Power of Prayer,” Shmuz 102: “Learning to Love Hashem,” Shmuz 173: “Children of Hashem,” and Shmuz 192: “Hashem Really Cares” (all available for free on By reading some material every day about Hashem’s great love for us, we will begin to really feel Hashem’s love, and we will develop a relationship with Him.

Praying to Hashem causes Him to grant us the strength to fight the yetzer hara and cultivates a relationship with Him. These benefits enable us to reach great heights in Hashem’s service, especially in the battle of the generation.

Quick Recap:

  • We must pray to Hashem for the strength to defeat the yetzer hara.
  • Developing a relationship with Hashem through prayer helps us win the battle against desire.

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