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Enlighten Our Eyes

Monday, 16 October 2017
Part 44/50 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Part 4

Where to Place our Heavy Artillery

Where is it most strategic spot to array our heavy artillery? When we have made a new start and feel we have gained some ground, right away in the flush of a fresh beginning is the time to invest all our energy in maintaining our gains.

For it is then that the yeitzer hora will try to make his entry. But if we can stay strong just a bit longer, the yeitzer hora will stay small.

The gemara (Sukkah 52) describes how when Moshiach will come, Hashem will slaughter the yeitzer hora, in front of the tzaddikim and the rashaim. Both will start crying. To the tzaddikim, the yeitzer hora appears like a huge mountain, while the rashaim see only a thin hair. Overcome with emotion, the tzaddikim will cry, ״How were we able to overcome this huge mountain? ״ The rashaim will tearfully ask, ״How come we were duped by this small hair? ״ The eitzer hora is only the width of a single hair. But once we force open the door by a tiny crack, he wedges his way in. He then grows and expands until he is the size of a mountain.

As the Chinuch writes: היצר בתחילה חלש מאד והולך ומתחזק על האדם הרבה - the yeitzer hora is almost powerless at first but becomes increasingly stronger (Mitzvah 188).

The secret of the success of the tzaddikim is the fact that they stood firm and unwavering right at the beginning, and didn’t give the yeitzer hora a chance to take root and grow. That’s how they emerged triumphant.

Rav Yisroel Elya Weintraub, ztz ״l, wrote the following addition as a conclusion to complete this chapter:

When going to war, it is important to know how to battle and not be beaten by the enemy. Then comes the second stage - knowing how to win and truly oust the enemy.

This chapter has dealt primarily with the first stage of the war. How we can stay strong and not be beaten. It is followed by the second stage: when we don’t have to fight constantly with the yeitzer hora, we’re somewhat detached from this enemy. Now is the time to remind ourselves how to really win. Hashem tells us that there is only one potent medicine: בראתי יצר הרע בראתי לו תורה תבלין - I created the yeitzer hora; I created Torah as its antidote.

The tremendous power of learning תורה לשמה , even if only a little, has been designed to help each and every individual on his personal level and in his own specific struggles with his particular makeup. With this weapon we can vanquish the yeitzer hora, the bitterest enemy of every one of us. The yeitzer hora has little power over someone who is attached to Torah. There are no words to describe the greatness of this success. By strengthening our commitment, attachment, love and delight in Torah, even to a small extent, we switch on a light. A little ray of the light of kedusha dispels lots of darkness.

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