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Enlighten Our Eyes

Monday, 16 October 2017
Part 42/50 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

The Chafetz Chaim, ztz״l, writes that longing to become the mechutan of a millionaire will not get you very far. But if your soul pines to be connected to Hashem, then Mazal Tov! He immediately accepts you. The passuk (Tehillim 105:3) promises 'ישמח לב מבקשי ה - Those who seek Hashem will be happy of heart; if there is a genuine longing, then some day it must bear fruit.

The Vilna Gaon, ztz״l, in his commentary on Shir HaShirim (6:12) explains the passuk in Hallel (Tehillim מאשפות ירים אביון ,(113:7 - this is the person who, stained by filth, longs to get up and run away from it all. He will be upraised from the scrap heap. להושיבי עם נדיבים - he will be seated among the Avos. עם נדיבי עמו - he will sit among the prophets. When we ache to rise up and discard our slimy old rags, the impossible begins to happen.

We ascend into another league when we begin to feel in our bones that Hashem really appreciates every time we rule over our eyes, and when we comprehend the value and power of even yearning for purity.

Here is another simple, proven technique to up our motivation all along the route: We could do something concrete to reward and reinforce our achievements. An action always leaves a powerful impression on its doer, so why not introduce a system of small but meaningful rewards to encourage and to mark our progress? It makes the whole happening become more real.

It may seem, at first, that we’re playing a strange little game but, after doing it a few times, we will find that these rewards do, in fact, help us to achieve our goal.

Nothing of a spiritual nature can ever be a non-event!

To summarize the points and ideas discussed:


1. Minimizing the nisayon by staying clear of accident prone zones
2. Making a firm resolution before stepping outdoors.
3. Maintaining a business-like manner (casual = casualty).


A. Ignoration is the best medication.
B. Every success is tremendous.
C. Keeping one’s spirits high. Simply yearning for purity is effective.

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