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Enlighten Our Eyes

Monday, 16 October 2017
Part 28/50 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

The Gift of Nisyonos

True, we daven every morning not to be tested by temptations but, when they do come our way, let us not underestimate their value.

The Chovos Halevavos (Cheshbon HaNefesh ch. 3) writes that the Torah wouldn’t celebrate Avraham exercising his freewill to withstand his ten mighty trials if he hadn’t accepted them willingly. What we are still singing about is not merely that he scored 10 out of 10, but the flying colours of his joyful acceptance.

The story of the akeida – the hardest of all ten trials – tells of the burning love that Avraham had for Hashem, a love that broke all bounds and flew in the face of all reason. It tells of how Avraham was ready and willing without a moment’s wavering to slaughter his precious Yitzchak – and with that, decimating the future nation that would declare Hashem’s greatness to the world, until the end of time.

Meanwhile, the Satan, for all his bag of tricks, could conjure up nothing to dampen that fire. And, ever since that day, we keep dipping into the inexhaustible pot of golden zechuyos that the akeida bequeathed us.

But why is Avraham Avinu praised primarily because of his willing acceptance? That was only an accompaniment to the deed! Were not those tests in themselves a revelation of the most unimaginable, immortal, and unsurpassed greatness of all time?

The answer is that this demonstrated that Avraham Avinu fully understood and appreciated what a wonderful gift the akeida afforded. He saw beyond the difficulty of the test to what was really being offered – the most unique opportunity of all time to show that his love for Hashem surpassed everything else. Avraham Avinu, in the most trying of tests, felt only eagerness at the opportunity of serving Hashem.

Although not on his level, we ought to consider andappreciate the wonderful opportunity that our own nisyonos bring. From time to time, it’s worth bringing this concept to the forefront of our mind, savouring our good fortune.

Life’s tests are not what we live with, but what we live for. Man’s soul has many levels, layer upon layer. There’s nothing quite like a throbbing temptation to bring out the best in him. This helps us dig deep down inside ourselves and activate the many levels of our souls that might otherwise have sat there, undiscovered and untapped. No wonder they say, ״Calm seas don’t make good sailors. ״

Come; let us picture a scene unfolding: a threadbare beggar crawls out of his hovel and finds himself standing face to face with the king. His Majesty graciously hands the fellow a million dollars in cash. But, shockingly, no glimmer of thankfulness lights up the haggard face, no words of praise gush from his lips. The ingrate takes the fortune from the monarch’s hand without a smile, even begrudging the effort spent carrying it home. What am I supposed to do with all these mounds of green papers? ״ he wonders.

Sorry, but do we not recognize ourselves here? Don’t we realize that every time we are accosted with impurity, it is actually a golden opportunity for growth? We could be turning those aching temptations from stumbling blocks into stepping stones. In the Next World, our whole status and reward is dependent on our struggles in This World. Nisyonos are a gift and the recipient is none other than ourselves.

The more one incorporates the above thought, the more it helps the harshness fade. Understanding and acceptance of those trying times tremendously lightens the load. These tests are for our ultimate good. If someone were stuck over a difficult piece of gemara, he would never in his wildest dreams assume that the gemara got it all wrong! Automatically, he attributes the difficulty to his own lack of comprehension.

How much more so, if Hashem leaves us exposed to the horrendous assaults of today’s permissive culture, He must have a clear plan and purpose in so doing. When sin beckons, it’s actually Hashem calling us to convert our base elements into the purest gold.

Those times when we battle to control a raging yeitzer hora are precious moments that we are snatching from the inevitable march of time and transforming them into the most beautiful gifts that life has ever offered us.

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