It's hard
Very Hard
But worth it.
Very Worth it.
The evil YH, will plan and scheme
He will make us yell and scream
He will make us stubbornly fight
And convince us that wrong is right
He will stop at nothing to make us stray
And make us waste yet another day
He will convince us that we have erred too far
And we no longer can shine as Hashem's star
How wrong he is this lousy beast
Who will soon be slaughtered at the Mashiach feast
He plays games with our minds and makes us turn away
From Hashem, our Master who loves us every single day
Yes, it's hard to see through the tricks of this bum
But we must remain focused, and we will overcome
For a Jew that gets up after a fall and grows from the pain
Has taken his Neshama and erased yet another stain
Soon enough Mashiach will arrive, not despite our falls, rather because of them
Mashiach will reveal just how close we always were to Hashem
Stand strong dear brothers and sisters, warriors of Truth
The days of the YH are numbered, he hangs on by a tooth
Yes, it seems so far away and not a reality we can touch
But it is close, very close, because Hashem loves us very much
Never before has a generation been so close, yet so far
My dear brothers and sisters, it's time to raise the bar
Let's resolve here today ,as one voice with no dissent
To do an action today to further do Teshuva and repent
Let's take it up a notch and improve something in our way
and in that merit we shall truly be worthy of bringing Mashiach TODAY!!!
Yes, its hard.
Very Hard
But it's worth it.
Yes, Very worth it.