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The foundation of all of the Torah

Sunday, 06 May 2012
Part 1/3 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Shmirat habrit is the foundation of all of the Torah. The Kabbalists teach that if a Jew keeps Shabbat, studies Torah, gives charity generously, and generally excels in his overall mitzvah observance, but is lax in guarding his sexual holiness, then all of the spiritual energy created by his Torah study and mitzvot is diverted to the realm of impurity, giving strength to the unholy forces in the world. Without the foundation of shmirat habrit, a person's observance of Torah suffers a devastating spiritual knockout.

To further highlight the supreme stature of living a life of sexual holiness, we will list 60 outstanding virtues of shmirat habrit, as compiled by the Torah giant, Rabbi Aharon Rata, in his book, "Taharat HaKodesh." In the original Hebrew text, Rabbi Rata brings sources for each entry in the list.

1. The person who guards the Brit is the pinnacle of Creation, and the world is upheld by him.

2. There is no nation in the world that can rule over Israel, in the merit of those who guard the Brit.

3. It is as if he kept all of the Torah.

4. He will merit to see HaKadosh Baruch Hu in the future world, and this is the greatest possible pleasure.

5. He will merit to achieve the completion of his soul.

6. He will merit that the Shechinah not depart from him.

7. His physical aspect will also be illuminated.

8. He is called a man of valor.

9. HaKadosh Baruch Hu attires him with the attribute of splendor.

10. He merits to cleave to G-d.

11. HaKadosh Baruch Hu will heal him from all of his ailments and pains.

12. He draws favorable blessings on himself and his family.

13. HaKadosh Baruch Hu guards over him, and nothing can cause him harm.

14. HaKadosh Baruch Hu takes pride in him each day.

15. HaKadosh Baruch Hu remembers him every day.

16. He is called flawless.

17. He is called tzaddik.

18. Blessings first come to him, and then to the rest of the world.

19. He merits righteous children.

20. The angel "Duma" and all of the destructive angels do not have permission to come near him.

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