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The Arcade Game

Thursday, 09 February 2012

The Holy yidden of GYE that are uniting together in this spiritually dangerous world are probably causing a great commotion in Heaven. We are all fighting the Mabul that is threatening to engulf us all. What can be more pleasing to Hashem than this wonderful group, who are giving up these physical pleasures for Hashem's sake?

Recently, after fighting a really difficult battle with my Yetzer Hara for sixty days, I fell. I was really disheartened. After SIXTY DAYS, two thirds of the way to ninety, I felt like I was back to square one. (B"h, I have now reached nine days clean again).

After I fell, I thought of an amazing moshol of my situation that really helped me begin the ninety day journey again, and I would like to share it with you.

Our fight is like a computer game with seven levels. The player has only 'three lives' throughout the game. We begin playing level one. Not being so experienced, we barely makes it through the first level, but we lose two lives in the process. We finally get to level two, but soon after, we lose that last life. That's it; Game over! We may think to ourselves, "what's it worth beginning at level one again? I will undoubtedly lose again, so what's the point?" But if a person thinks a bit deeper they'll realize that when they play level one again, they'll have more experience this time around. They'll likely still be left with all three lives when they get to level two, this time around. And yes, they may have to keep starting over again, but eventually they'll make it through all seven levels.

When a person gets through a week, sixty days, or even ninety days and has a fall, he hasn't lost his previous experience. When he starts again this time, it'll be much easier. And even if this happens many times, eventually he'll get through it completely.

That is the meaning of sheva yipol Tzadik vekom. I used to always think, "why is the seventh try any better than the first?", but this explains it all.