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Love of Hashem equals 101%

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Someone sent us this cute "number Cheshbon" below, based on the ABC. Although obviously this is not a "Gematria" with any real meaning, the lesson it brings out is a powerful truth.

(Pictures from the war in Gaza were added for illustrative purposes).
If you can't see the picture below, click here


Knowledge of HOW to beat the Yetzer Hara is 96% of winning the battle. It can be found on our website, forum and Chizuk list archives.

Hard Work is 98%, and it must be done by each individual alone.

ATTITUDE equals 100% and is what will really get you there! This includes; enjoying the challenge, understanding that this is what we are here in this world for and the great reward that awaits us, and NEVER GIVING UP. (See "Mind Tips" for more attitude shapers).

But it is the Love of Hashem that equals 101% and will really take you OVER THE TOP. Happy is he who learns to transfer his deepest desires and love to Hashem. In the process of the struggle towards this sublime achievement, one becomes transformed into an altogether different person!

Chaza"l say (Lehavdil): "One who reviews his learning 100 times can not be compared with one who reviews it 101 times".

In this battle for our very souls, we need to give it 101%!