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Don't Wait for the Pan on the Head!

We received an e-mail from a member of our forum:

Monday, 13 February 2012

There's a personal story that I'd like to share with your community, which I hope will either inspire people or wake them up. I am not posting it on the forum because I would rather it be anonymous; it's very personal.

As a persistent internet viewer, I always needed more. That's the way of addiction. We get used to the old stuff and we start looking for something new and more exciting to get back that lust-high. We rarely take into account the consequences of our acting out, because we just don't have control. As I got used to the old stuff, I started looking for new and exciting things that couldn't just be accessed with the click of a button. I wanted something that I had to work to get, because that would make the lusting sensation even more meaningful. So I started searching for under-age content, and after a while I found ways to get it. And of-course, I kept wanting more. There was but one big problem. It is illegal. Illegal and completely immoral.

One day at work, I get a phone call from my home:
"Are you sitting down?",
"Yes, why? What's wrong?"
"The FBI was at the house today looking for you.
"What did they want?",
"They wanted to ask you some questions. Here's the number. Call them".

I called them and it turns out that they were not looking for trouble with me, I was just connected to someone they were building a case on. But Hakadosh Baruch Hu sent me a sign. He hit me over the head with a pan and told me that this acting out MUST stop.

Chevra, please heed the voice of Hashem. Don't wait for the pan on the head. It hurts. I now live in fear of them coming back for me. Hashem is tapping us all on the shoulder because HE wants us to stop.

See also this story on our site, for a much worse ending to a similar situation.