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Darkness Brings Forth Light

Monday, 19 December 2011


Darkness comes before light
And very deep darkness gives birth
To the most brilliant light of all

Sane decent human beings
Reject the darkness in their life
It hurts them
Confuses them
Hurls them into the abyss
Of despair
That cannot be described in words

Who would choose this?
Who truly desires these demons
That plague him
Day in and day out?

Why shouldn't I hate my life?
Chaos within
Tragic errors I have made
To perpetuate this hell

Yet there are soldiers
Who went through hell and back
Survived, as you will
Coming back from war
Embracing wife and child

As you are holding on to them
For dear life
Telling them
I didn't expect such pain and agony
Didn't want to see the horrors that I saw
Torn away from what is so dear to me
But I wouldn't take it back
For I have made the world
A better and safer place.

I come back to you
Yet whole
And when you return my embrace
Seeing those kind eyes of yours
I know you accept me fully
The broken, the whole,
Sustains me
Inner joy breaks through the
Barrier of pain
And slowly takes hold
So that the healing can begin

Just when I fell into
That deep dark pit
Actually did fall in
Somehow a ray of hope
Kept me going

This experience
As horrible as it was
at the time
and even those terrible mistakes
of my own making
got me to places
where I needed to be

It's the only reason
I am here
Right know
Broken, yet whole
In your arms
As I cry
Tears of pain
Mingle with
Tears of joy
Which are real

Who would have thought
That I would have felt joy ever again
On this earth!!

I am broken
and whole
accepting finally
all of me.
The inner strength
to look into
that deep dark abyss
without flinching
without cowering in fear
Giving my hand
to all my brothers
that are still trapped
in that darkness
that I wish I would not have experienced
in the first place.

But now I see
That I was a soldier in training
Tasked with the unique mission
Of helping my hurt brothers
And to help them see the good
That has always been
Within us all.