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A Big Mazal Tov to "Efshar Letaken" (aka "E.L") on reaching 90 Days!

Thursday, 16 February 2012
Part 2/2 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Here is a poem that Efshar Litaken wrote in honor of the day:

90 Days, 90 Days,
What can I say, for Hashem I'm full of Praise.

I thank Hashem for the depth of my Heart,
He was there for me from the Start.

My story is just another of the Same,
I just had enough of the Yetser Hora's Game.

Fighting & Falling for so many Years,
My eyes were already, dry from Tears.

Finally one day my prayers Hashem did Hear,
And I finally found GYE to help me, myself to Repair.

From Reb Guard & his Hand Books & all the Others,
Over here at GYE we are all like Sisters & Brothers.

I thank Hashem, for sending me this Way,
And getting me out of the Y"H's Prey.

No! It wasn't easy, I have to Admit,
But I don't miss my old life, not a Bit.

It is very rewarding, as all of you Know,
And those who don't yet, time will Show.

If we keep on fighting & never let Go,
We will give the Y"H blow after Blow.

Eventually he will have to confess,
That with GYE members, he cannot Mess.

He doesn't care much about the Sin,
What he wants is for us to Give Up, so that he can Win.

So the message the Y"H is loud & Clear,
Get lost once & forever, from you we do not Fear.

Yes you might be stronger than us, Flesh & Blood we Are,
But we "Let Go & Let G-D" & He's stronger than you by Far.

The fight is never over; we will fight till the End,
We will get even with you, when Hashem, Moshiach will very soon send.

So for those Yidden that GYE haven't found Yet,
We have to ask Hashem why we haven't Met.

So many Yidden with Shmutz are Addicted,
They need us to help them get Evicted.

They need us to help them find GuardYourEyes,
So that the Y"H they too will Despise.

If we want to greet Moshiach with our heads held High,
Let's put in the extra effort and tell the Y"H GOOD BYE!

So I ask everyone to help in every Way,
For this is the last battle, before Hashem does Say.

My Holy Children The Time Has Come!
With Klal Yisroel Once Again, I Will Be One.

Thank You My Holy Brothers & Sisters
The Fight Goes On
Yes! Efshar Letaken

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