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Worry is Service of the Idol of 'Self'

Yosef in SA - who is sober for nearly 7 years, shares with us the healthy attitude of an addict in recovery:

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

I woke up late. I'm late to work (I ride my bike). I forgot ya'aleh v'ya'vo in shachris and I only realized in musaf :-) (I went back and said both again).. Has G-d stopped loving me??? Absolutely not. My wife called me during my ride to see if I'm Ok. My kids went happy to school. B"H.. As a man with an ego, I may indeed have a hard time once in a while, but there's a Gemora (Baba Basra, I believe): "one who has been treated kindly from above will continue to receive even more kindness".

With all the miracles G-d had clearly shown me (crystal clearly!), for me to start letting worry take over my mind is not only ridiculous and self destructive, it's the complete opposite of truth! (And anyone who's had even one day of sobriety has also experienced a miracle).

Ha'michadesh b'tuvo b'chol yom... TA'AMID.. Every moment is 100% permeated with G-d's goodness, specifically for us, am k'rovo. So how can one serve the idol of self with worry?!

So from this moment on, I'll do my best with simcha, tuv lay'vuv, good beloved friends, avoda and complete b'tachon in our intimate loving G-d.

Hatzlocha Yidden!