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Positive Focus

Thursday, 09 February 2012

"Ineedhelp" posted on the forum:

The Gemara relates that when Rebi Yochanan Ben Zakai was sick and about to die, his Talmidim came to him and said, "Rebbe give us a Bracha on how to live!" Rebi Yochanan Ben Zakai replied with an amazing bracha (that we should all be Zocheh to get). He said, "May the fear that you have for Hashem be like the fear you have for your fellow man".

I give us all this bracha, that we should have the "fear of man" - even when only Hashem is seeing our sins.

Dov (sober in SA for almost 12 years) responds:

May recovery bring us to really know that Hashem is seeing our mitzvos.

And to become constantly aware (like we are of our noses) that He is together with you and me (bishvili nivra ha'olam! right here!) while we are eating, sleeping, playing, learning, yelling at our kids, worrying, showering, regretting, lying, crying, laughing, posting, brushing our teeth, smiling at a friend (or "enemy"), trying, helping, giving up, davening, being born and dying (not necessarily in that order for the last two ;-). It is a pity that some folks (but very few addicts in 12 step recovery) may wait till they are about to die, to really, really try to get comfortable being with their very own G-d.

Now that's what I expect out of recovery: real life!

Who needs to reach for any escape when you have inescapable, real life?

Who has time to even worry about acting out?

May Hashem help us all get closer, starting today.