“This is THE DECREE of the Torah..”
Parasha Chukas has been declared The Quintessential limit of Man’s understanding of G-d’s Ways. Sages have grappled for all of time to find some common sense logical way of explaining how the ashes of the Parah Aduma – the Red Heifer purify those who are contaminated – yet contaminate those who prepare it. Even the wisest man of all time, King Solomon said in Proverbs 7:23 that “I said I would be wise, but it is far from me.”
The Zohar says, “The Torah is one with G-d.” It is an expression of His essential will. Therefore, just as HIS WILL is above our intellectual understanding, so too is the Torah. Nevertheless, G-d gave the Torah to mortals, not because He desires our obedience, but because He is concerned for our welfare!! He wants man to develop a connection with Him.
Let’s consider how this Message speaks to us:
Just consider our nature as addicts – our need to control, our insistence that we know better, that we have all the answers! Now also consider if G-d had given us a Torah with only Laws (Mishpatim) and no Decrees (Chukim), what would we have done? For starters, our razor-sharp minds would certainly figure out the logic behind all the laws. Nevermind if your logic comes to another understanding that is different than mine…either you’re wrong or I don’t have to listen to you! Furthermore, I wouldn’t need to turn to someone who is older or wiser than me to guide my understanding. We would say, “I don’t need your advice. I can take it from here!”
Why would I need you or anyone else or some invisible Higher Power? My life has made me pretty tough – I’ve learned that I just need to be SELF-RELIANT to make it in this crazy out of control world!
Instead Hashem, in his infinite and loving wisdom, gave us a Torah that is also full of Chukim. And in my quest to understand the Torah, I will have to turn to Mesirus Nefesh, translated as Self-Sacrifice. And we can only express this self-sacrifice thru Bitul – Nullification of the SELF!
In Step Three of our 12 Step Program –
“(We) made a Decision to turn our Will and our Lives over to the care of G-d,
as we understood Him.”
Which leads us first to having to know just what Bill Wilson meant by the words, “Will” and “Lives.”
SO, my friends, it is precisely thru Step 3 that I learn that I have to NULLIFY MY SELF in order to turn my thoughts and actions to G-d.
And only by nullifying my SELF can I then finally - UNDERSTAND G-D!!!
If you’re like most of us, and having some difficulty turning your thoughts and your actions over to G-d, then perhaps you need to practice the Art of Letting Go & Letting G-D – one the most powerful Tools to Live in Recover…so let me share a little gift with you, (based on BB pg 86-87) and I promise it will bring you sobriety, serenity and forever change your life:
O G-d, Please Direct my thinking…