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Day 28: Don't Be Discouraged

Thursday, 17 May 2012
Part 1/3 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

You can say, "just don't look," but I am surrounded by immodestly dressed people every day. Sometimes I think it's hopeless to try to avoid them.

It's easy to become discouraged if you work in an environment where you must constantly be on guard. Don't give in!

Consider the account in the Talmud (Ta'anit 21b) about Abba, a doctor who received daily "greetings" from Heaven. What was his special merit? He had separate rooms for his male and female patients. Moreover, he would take seri­ous precautions to guard his eyes when he treated women. These acts were considered such an accomplishment that he was given this rare spiritual reward.

A person who is regularly confronted with improper sights and controls his eyes is considered by G-d to be a mighty warrior. Your Creator is fully aware of the chal­lenges He sends your way, and overcoming this one is no small achievement. That is why our Sages tell us that you will be rewarded for averting your eyes with abundant blessing in this world, as well as in the World to Come. [Taharat HaKodesh]

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