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Day 23: Control Your Home Environment

Monday, 21 May 2012
Part 2/3 (to see other parts of the article, click on the pages at the bottom)

Secular educators as well as religious leadership have recognized that the media is a destructive influence on virtually every individual. If you stop to notice these negative influences in your home life and decide that they need to be modified, view it as an educational opportunity.

The great Rabbis of our generation have ruled that internet should not be allowed in the home unless it is required for business - and only used for that purpose. If you have a question whether or not your situation allows internet in the home, consult with a halachic authority for guidance.

Don't simply forbid this or that. This is an opportunity to discuss with your children why these influences are objectionable. What messages do they convey? How do they conflict with our values? Don't lecture - discuss.

The Midrash teaches that Hashem instructed Moshe exactly how to count the Jewish nation. He told him to go to each tent and count how many souls were in each family.

But Moshe did not invade their privacy. He stood at the entrance of each tent and the Shechinah "entered" the household. A heavenly voice then told him the number of children inside.

What can we learn from this Midrash? If we are worthy, Hashem comes into our homes, just as one visits his friend! He loves us so much that He wants to be with us. But our homes must be ready for His Presence. We can do that by maintaining a home free of immodest images and by raising our children to be aware that they are endowed with a noble spiritual status. Every Jewish family should be sensitive to the fact that much of the language and entertainment popular today are beneath us. It is the parents who demonstrate and guard this reality.

Today: Take steps to control the spiritual atmosphere of your home. Make your home a fitting place to receive the Shechinah.

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